Travel, Code, and Engineering

Formatting Inputs with Cleave.js in a Vue/Typescript/Rails Project

Cleave.js is a super cool JavaScript library that lets you force the formatting of an input. It works for credit card numbers, dates, and several other kinds of formatted text. If you haven't heard...

Don't Donate to CamelCamelCamel

A few days ago, CamelCamelCamel went offline due to some issues with their database. They lost a few hard drives and needed to recover the data on them. The drives were large and expensive, and the...

How to Run Rails Database Migration Tasks on ECS

When you have a Ruby on Rails app, you need to run database migrations occasioanlly. One way to do this is to deploy the code to production and run the migration manually. In this post, I'll show...

My First 90 Days as a Full Stack Software Developer

My first few days of work at SalesLoft were pretty nerve-wracking. I wasn't a software developer. Not really anyway. I had written tons of Ruby on Rails code on the side for my personal projects,...

How to Run Delayed Job on Docker and ECS

Running delayed job in a container and on ECS is not too hard, but there are a few gotchas to watch out for. I'll show you the basic steps to getting delayed_job running and the more general steps...