Travel, Code, and Engineering

Tag: coding

My Favorite Parts of Ramda

After using Lodash for a while, I recently heard of Ramda. Ramda is another functional programming library for JavaScript. Ramda is pretty similar to Lodash in a lot of ways, so it's easy to switch...

How I Cut my Capybara Spec Suite's Time by Almost 50%

I won't bury the lede here. The problem with my Capybara spec suite was that I didn't fully understand how Capybara's implicit waits worked. I made two mistakes in how I write some Capybara specs,...

Connect Four in Ruby on Rails and Vue.js

I recently created an online version of Connect Four as part of a coding challenge. It is a SPA with the frontend written in Vue.js and the backend in Ruby on Rails 5.1. The code is available on...

Setting up Bitbucket Pipelines with Ruby on Rails

I've been wanting to set up continuous integration for my personal projects for a long time. It's one of those things that seems super cool and useful but a bit too nebulous for me to actually sit...

How to Speed Up will_paginate on Large Tables

If you're building a web app with ruby on rails, there's a pretty good chance you're using the will_paginate gem to make it easy to split a long list of items across multiple pages. If you have a...