Travel, Code, and Engineering

Tag: coding

Disk Usage and How to Find Big Files on Ubuntu Server

If you find your server seems to be running out of disk space, the first thing you should do is figure out how full your disk really is. After that, you'll need a way to quickly zero in on which...

How to Fix Access-Control-Allow-Origin Error in Ruby on Rails

If you're trying to make an API to allow your site's content to be accessible via JavaScript from another site, you've probably run into the error "XMLHttpRequest cannot load XXX. No...

What's Using All the Memory on My Production Ruby on Rails Server?

Are you running a Ruby on Rails web app? If you are, you're probably going to run into memory problems sooner or later. In that case, you're going to want to know how to pinpoint your...

Don't Install the Spring Gem on Your Production Rails Server

This is a PSA about Spring and Ruby on Rails. Don't know what Spring is? Jump to the bottom of this article.

How to Get Amazon ASINs from Amazon URLs in Ruby

Amazon identifies every product for sale with a ten-digit alphanumeric code called an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). Whenever you visit a product page on Amazon, these number is...