Travel, Code, and Engineering
I just got a new car with Android Auto, and I'm doing a little bit of work to make it work the way I like. The first problem with Android Auto is that it (mostly) requires a data connection for...
I recently went car shopping, and along the way I got quotes from several different dealers. I collected three quotes that included price before TT&L and price after TT&L. After looking at the...
I recently bought a new car, and while I'm happy with my purchase, there are some things that could have gone more smoothly. I learned a lot along the way, and hopefully I'll be a little better...
If you're building a web app with ruby on rails, there's a pretty good chance you're using the will_paginate gem to make it easy to split a long list of items across multiple pages. If you have a...
My car was recently totaled, and you can read more about it in My Experience with a Hit and Run in Texas. Anyway, the truck that hit my car left some paint transfer on my car's front bumper, left...