Travel, Code, and Engineering

Apple Doesn't (Really) Care About the Environment

Apple recently made headlines for its newly unveiled "Apple Renew" program. What is it? It's a buyback program for old Apple products. Why are they doing it? According to Apple, it's good for the...

How to Fix a Selfie Stick

My wife recently bought a selfie stick at Target for $5. It worked the first couple times she tried it after bringing it home from the store. However, problems emerged a few weeks later when she...

Raspberry Pi Projects You Can Actually Do - Part Two: Passwordless SSH

A lot of Raspberry Pi projects I've seen on the internet are pretty complicated and require the use of a lot of extra components. The projects that get the most attention are usually esoteric or...

Raspberry Pi Projects You Can Actually Do - Part One: Print Server

A lot of Raspberry Pi projects I've seen on the internet are pretty complicated and require the use of a lot of extra components. The projects that get the most attention are usually esoteric or...

Testing Impressionist with RSpec

On Bloopist, my blogging platform, I use the Ruby Gem Impressionist to track how many views each post gets. I've been experimenting with adding tests to Bloopist's code base. I want to make it less...